The Trefry family of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, has been traced back to Marblehead, Mass., and from there back to England.
In England the Trefry's go back to the days of the Black Prince.

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The Trefry surname does have different spellings. The main reason for this (my opinion) is the lack of education in our ancestors. A lot of times, names were spelled like they were pronounced and sometimes they were not pronounced correctly. So the spelling depended on the degree of writing skills for the times.
An example is Michael Trefry (Salem, Mass. in the 1800's) who would not answer to his name during a court hearing because they didn't pronounce it correctly.
Also, some family member didn't want to be connected for reasons like family/sibling fueds, so they changed the spelling of their name slightly.
Trefry Genealogy, a typed reprint of the genealogy from the Yarmouth Herald newspaper,
printed April 23, 1901. GEORGE S. BROWN .

Below is my line in the Trefry Family Tree

Benjamin Trefry's Family
George Trefry's Family
Joshua Pitman Trefry's Family
William Trefry's Family
Joshua Pitman Trefry's Family
John Trefry's Family
James Trefry's Family
Thomas Trefry's Family

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