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Editor Yarmouth Herald:
by George S. Brown, 7-Nov-1900, Yarmouth, NS
Note: The following was typed from a reprint of the genealogy from the Yarmouth Herald. Some parts were had to read,
but I think I have all the information correct. If you see any errors, please advise. (Wayne Manser).
FRANCIS COOK, born about 1582, died at Kingston, Mass., in 1663, came over in the MAYFLOWER in 1620 with his young son John. His wife Esther came in the ANN in 1623 with children Jacob, Jane and Esther. In 1626, another daughter, Mary, was born, who married, 1645, John Thompson; Jane married, 1628, Experience Mitchell; and Esther married, 1644, Richard Wright.
JOHN COOK, son Francis, married, 1634, Sarah Warren, daughter Richard, of the Mayflower Pilgrims, and had:
Sarah, married Arthur Hathaway.
Elizabeth, married Daniel Wilcox.
1650, Esther.
1654, Mercy.
1657, Mary.
JACOB COOK, son Francis, born in Holland, married, 1st, 1646, Damaris Hopkins, daughter Stephen, of the Mayflower Pilgrims; 2d, 1969, Elizabeth Shurtliff, widow of William, and had:
1648, Elizabeth, married John Doty, son Edward, of the Mayflower.
1651, Caleb, married Jane ____.
1653, Mary.
1660, Martha, married Elkanah Cushman.
1663, Francis, married Elizabeth Latham.
1666, Ruth.
CALEB COOK, son Jacob 1st, married Jane ____, and had:
1682, John.
1684, Mary.
1686, Anne.
1689, Jane, married ____ Harris.
1691, Elizabeth, married Robert Johnson.
1694, Mary, married ____ Carver.
1697, Caleb, married Hannah Shurtliff.
1700, James.
1703, Joseph.
CAPT. EPHRAIM COOK 1st, of Yarmouth, came from Kingston, Mass., in the spring of 1762 with his father-in-law, Capt. George Ring, and settled near Cook's Beach, on the eastern side of Chebogue Harbour. In the expedition against the French in Canada, 1757-1758, he had enlisted in Capt.
Gamaliel Bradford's company, Colonel Doty's regiment. On his return he was ordered to the "Great Carring-Place,"
near Schenectady, New York, to assist in building a
fort. While engaged in this work a large stick of timber
fell on his leg through the parting of a rope, which so
injured the limb as to necessitate amputation. For his
suffering and loss he was granted a pension by the
Colonial government of Massachusetts on the 17th March
1750, amounting to ten pounds for his personal needs and
a yearly allowance of four pounds.
CAPT. EPHRAIM COOK was one of the foremost men of his time at Chebogue. In
1763 he was on the first active committee for laying
out lands to the early settlers, the other members of
the committee having been John Crawley, Samuel Otis and
Josiah Beal. Capt. Cook recorded their proceedings and
served as Registrar of Deeds from that year.
In 1767 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace, and in
the division of the lands of Yarmouth Township in
April, 1767, he was awarded one share, 923 acres.
Upon the organization of the militia of the district he
received a captain's commission. He died 1821, Nov. 17,
aged 84 years.
CAPT. EPHRAIM COOK 1st, of Yarmouth, married 1764, March 20, Louisa Ring,
daughter Capt. George 1st;
died 1821, Nov. 17, and had:
1765, Jan. 5, Ephraim 2d, married Lucy Allen, daughter Capt. Jeremiah 2d;
died 1854, Aug. 7.
1766, Oct. 7, Manasseh (Capt.), married, 1st, 1788, Bethiah Trask,
daughter Elias 1st; 2d, 1805, Olive Beal,
daughter Josiah 1st; died 1855, April 29.
1768, Aug. 17, Louisa, married, 1789, Feb. 4, John Pinkney 2d,
son John, Esq.
1770, May 18, Rebecca, married, 1st, 1787, Charles Pinkney, son John,
Esq.; 2d, 1794, Dec. 30, William Larkin,
son Walter 1st; died 1857, June 20.
1772, March 15, Caleb (Capt.), married, 1792, Hannah Hilton, daughter
Amos 1st; died 1853, Feb. 26.
1774, Jan 13, Francis, No record; probably died young or was lost at sea,
1776, Feb. 10, George. No record; probably died young or was lost at sea,
1776, Nov. 25, John (Capt. of Malitia), married, 1st, Wealthy Trask,
daughter John 1st; 2d, 1832, Dec. 20, Mary Anne
Horton, daughter Jonathan; died 1875, June 14.
1778, Jan. 5, Ruth, married Stephen Larkin, son Walter 1st.
1780, Aug. 7, Lydia, married, 1801, March 29, David Larkin, son Walter
1782, Sept. 7, Amos; lost at sea, unmarried.
COOK, EPHRAIM 2d, son Capt. Ephraim, married Lucy Allen, daughter Capt.
Jeremiah 2d; died 1854, Aug. 7, and had:
1800, Jan 30, Lydia, deaf and dumb, married Capt. David Beveridge 2d,
son David W..
1802, Feb 1, Ephraim 3d; lost at sea, unmarried.
1804, Nov 27, James A. (Capt.), married, 1837, Feb 21, Isabella Macaulay,
of Halifax; died 1887, March 5.
1807, Nov 7, George, deaf and dumb, a bachelor.
1809, June 7, Zebina; lost in brig Pandora, 1837, Feb, unmarried.
1811, Sept 25, Sevenius; lost in brig Pandora, 1837, Feb, unmarried.
1813, Dec 19, Lucy Sarah, deaf and dumb; died 1899, Jan 29, unmarried.
COOK, CAPT. MANASSEH, son Capt. Ephraim 1st, married, 1st, 1788, Bethiah
Trask, daughter Elias 1st; 2d, 1805, Olive Beal,
daughter Josiah 1st; died 1855, April 29, and had:
1789, Jan 24, Manasseh 2d, married Anna Stephens, daughter William 1st.
1790, April 24, Joseph, married Margaret Shurtliff, daughter Henry.
1792, Jan 31, Rebecca, married --- Northup. Went to Canada.
1794, Mar 26, Bethiah, married Peter Brooks, of Weymouth, N.S.
1795, Aug 18, Lucretia, married Shippe Lent, of Digby Co.
1797, Oct 7, Hannah; no record.
1799, June 28, George (Capt.), married Elizabeth Crosby, daughter Edmund.
1801, May 10, Elizabeth, married William Delaney 1st, of Ohio.
1803, June 1, Francis (Capt.), married Joanna Crosby,
daughter Ebenezer 2d; died 1882.
Children of 2d wife:
1806, Jan 17, Mary, married Abram M. Hatfield 2d, son Abram Marsh;
died 1888, April 25.
1807, Dec 18, Thomasine, married Wm. Pitman 2d, son Benj. 1st;
died 1867, Aug 20
there is a section here needs to be checked?????
COOK, CAPT. JOHN 1st, son Capt. Ephraim 1st, married, 1st, Wealthy Trask,
daughter John 1st; 2d, 1832, Dec 20,
Mary Anne Horton, daughter Jonathan;
died 1875, June 14, and had:
1809, Feb 11, Wealthy, married, 1832, Jan 11, Capt. Eleazar Crocker,
son Daniel 2d.
1810, Jan 7, Louisa, married Capt. Amos H. Scott, son John;
died 1888, Jan 4.
1811, Feb 4, John 2d, married, 1832, March 19, Ruth Magray,
daughter Fredk.
1812, Feb 22, Amos (Capt.), married probably in Great Britain.
1813, Nov 24, Elizabeth Robbins,
daughter Dea. Joseph; died 1846, Jan.
1814, Nov 7, Amanda Jane, married, 1834, Nov 7, Asa Robbins,
son Dea. Joseph; died 1900, May 7.
1816, May 12, Wellington; lost from brig Victoria 1837, Dec 18, unmarried.
1818, Oct 16, Sarah Arnot, married Henry Porter, son John Tardy.
1819, Nov 4, Mb>Mahulda, married, 1st, 1838, Dec 13, Capt. Samuel S. Poole,
son Jonathan; 2d, 1855, Oct 23, Capt. Enos Cook,
son Manasseh 1st.
1821, May 7, Nelson, married, 1843, Feb 7, Jane Ring, daughter Marcus 2d.
1823, Jan 6, Lydia, married, 1841, Dec 23, Capt. Henry Purdy, son Samuel.
1825, May 16, William, married, 1899, April 13, Mrs. Mary Albina,
of California; died 1899, April 26.
1828, Feb 22, Jacob; lost in brig Tory, 1846, Sept.
Children of 2d wife:
1833, Dec 22, Margaret Anne W.; died 1857, Aug 11, unmarried.
1835, April 22, Mary Mellory, married, 1860, Dec 26, Wellington C. Larkin,
son Amos C.; died 1867, Dec 5.
1837, Jan 16, Ephraim, married, 1862, Aug 21, Maria E. Allen,
daughter Lyman.
1838, April 19, Wellington; died 1860, Jan 10, unmarried.
WILLIAM COOK, above, was 1st mate of the brigt. Mary Jane in the
California expedition of Nov., 1849. It was reported that he
married in California on 13th April, 1899, and that 13 days
afterward he died.
JANE COOK, widow of Nelson, married, 1856, May 8, Jacob Potter,
of Yarmouth.
JOHN PINKNEY 2d, son John Esq., married, 1789, Feb 4, LOUISA COOK,
daughter Capt. Ephraim 1st, and had:
1789, Dec 6, Elizabeth, married Capt. Reuben Clements, son Elkanah 1st;
died 1861, Oct 5.
1791, July 16, John 3d, married Abigail Clements, daughter
Capt. Elkanah 1st; died 1877, May 18.
1793, May 2, Mary, married Samuel Tedford 2d, son Samuel,
removed to Canada.
1796, Feb 20, Gilbert, married, 1819, Aprril 8, Matilda Watson Weston,
daughter Abram; died 1886.
1798, Oct 10, Sarah, married Isaac Morehouse, of Digby County.
1800, July 27, Rebecca, married, 1st, 1818, Nov 12, Lieut. Thomas Russell,
of 8th Regiment; 2d, 1830, April 22, Herbert
Huntington, son Miner; died 1874, Oct 11.
1802, Aug 12, Elijah, married Mercy Parfit, daughter Thomas 1st.
1804, Louisa Cook, married, 1830, Capt. David Smith Kinney, son Nathan 2d,
and removed to Sissibou.
1807, Nov 13, Zilpha, married, 1842, Oct 19, Foster Sherlock, son George,
of Halifax.
CHARLES PINKNEY, son John Esq., married 1787, REBECCA COOK,
daughter Capt. Ephraim 1st, and had:
1788, Charles 2d, the father of Capt. Charles C. Pinkney,
formerly of Yarmouth, who married 1852, Aug 26th,
Elizabeth, widow of Capt. Samuel T. Cook, and
4th daughter of Deacon Joseph Robbins,
of Chebogue Point.
REBECCA, widow of Charles Pinkney, married, 2d, (s.p.), 1794, Dec 30,
William, son Walter Larkin 1st.
STEPHEN LARKIN, son Walter 1st, married RUTH COOK,
daughter Capt. Ephraim 1st; died 1853, June, and had:
1812, Amos C., married Mary Crosby, daughter Jonathan; died 1899, Oct 17.
William, married Maria Larkin, daughter David.
1815, John, married Elizabeth Kinney, daughter Thomas; died 1896, Dec 9.
Barak, married Eleanor Colquhoun, daughter Reuben; died 1849, Dec.
Mary, married, 1st, William Wymwn, son James 1st; 2d, Abner Vickery,
son Moses 2d.
Deborah, married, 1841, Feb 7, Lyman Allen, son Joseph,
of Little River.
DAVID LARKIN, son Walter 1st, married LYDIA COOK,
daughter Capt. Ephraim 1st, and had:
1802, Sophia, married --- Morrisey; died 1837, Jan 8.
Jane, married, 1834, Jan 22, Stillman Larkin, son Benjamin.
Maria, married, William Larkin, son Stephen.
COOK, CAPT. JAMES A., son Ephraim 2d, married 1837, Feb 21,
Isabella Macaulay, of Halifax;
died 1887, March 5, and had:
1838, April 24, James; died at Cardenas, Cuba, 1869, June 23, unmarried.
1839, April 17, Zebina (Capt.); lost with bark Centenary,
1866, Jan 3, unmarried.
1842, April 15, Lucy Young, married James Jackson, of Shelburne;
died 1882, June 26.
1845, March 1, William George (Capt.); lost with ship Josie Troop,
of St. John, 1889, Feb 22,
1850, Nov 21, Isabella Mary, married, 1st, Robert Patterson, of Glasgow;
2d, Capt. Henri D. Carvin, of Corsica.
Mrs. Cook died 11th Jan., 1880, aged 64 years, 4 months and 24 days.
ISABELLA MARY COOK, daughter Capt. James A., married, 1st, Robert
Patterson, of Glasgow, and had:
1873, July 31, Laura; died 1877, Aug 3.
1875, Feb 14, Mary Isabella, married Capt. Percy Parker,
of Walton, Hants Co.
1878, May 12, Jessie.
She married, 2d, Capt. Henri D. Carven, of Corsica, and had:
1885, June, Francis James; died 1886, May 4.
1887, Feb 6, George Cook.
Capt. Percy Parker, of Walton, Hants Co., married MARY ISABELLA PATTERSON,
daughter Robert, and had:
1894, Sept 12, Mary Dorothy.
1896, July 17, Jack Walton.
Capt. David Beveridge 2d, son Capt. David W., married LYDIA COOK,
daughter Ephraim 2d, and had:
Ephraim (Capt.), married Sarah Allen, daughter Joseph, of Little River.
Louisa Ring, married, 1853, Dec 25, Stephen Allen, son John,
of Little River.
David (capt.), married, 1859, Nov 14, Abigail Allen, daughter Joseph,
of Little River.
Matilda A., married, 1866, Dec 13, William Williams, son John 1st,
of Chegoggin.
Capt. Henry Pudry, son Samuel, married, 1841, Dec 23, LYDIA COOK,
daughter Capt. John 1st, and had:
Henry W. (Capt), married Ellen J. Robbins, daughter Samuel, of Tusket.
Alfaretta, married Edmund Earle, son Abraham 2d.
James; lost at sea, unmarried.
Udavilla, married, 1877, Nov 13, Arthur W. Kinney, son James B.
Martha, married Rodolpd Earle, son Abraham 2d.
Samuel (Capt.), married Jessie Hemeon, daughter Cornelius.
COOK,MANASSEH 2d, son Capt. Manasseh, married Anna Stephens,
daughter William 1st, and had:
1809, Jan 30, John, married Mary Murphy, daughter James 1st, of Brooklyn.
1810, Sept 26, Bethiah, married Nathaniel Allen 2d, son Nathaniel,
and removed up the Bay.
1811, Nov 6, Manasseh 3d, married Althea Hemeon, daughter Philip;
died 1895, March 19.
1813, June 26, Anna, married Lyman Allen, son Nathaniel 1st.
1814, EDith, married, 1st, --- MacWilliams; 2d, Nelson Brittain;
3d, 1866, Jan 1, Henry Archer, son William G.
Mary, married Joseph Brittain.
Sophia, married Isaac King.
1818, William, married Elizabeth Strickland, daughter Jonathan 1st;
died 1895, Apr 8.
1820, Francis S., married, 1st, Ellen Cook, daughter Joseph;
2d, Elizabeth (Cain) Heneon, widow Capt. Miner;
died 1895, March 5.
George, married Elizabeth Griswald, of Cape Negro.
1831, Feb 7, Margaret D., twins, married William Bain 3d, son William 1st,
of Chegoggin.
1831, Feb 7, Lucretta H., twins, married Heman E. Landers, son Joseph 1st.
COOK, MANASSEH 3d, son Manasseh 2d, married Althea Hemeon,
daughter Philip 2d; died 1895, March 19, and had:
Isaac, married Ellen Heney.
Philip. married Cynthia Hemeon, daughter Philip 3d.
John, married Cynthia Lirrlewood, of Cape Negro.
George; died unmarried, age 18.
Francis, married, 1860, Oct 16, Jane Robinson, daughter Reuben.
Manasseh, married Henrietta Perry, daughter Capt. Eleazar.
Elisha, married Lois Hurlburt, daughter George Israel.
Elizabeth, married William Nickerson, of Barrington.
1856, June, David, married Emma Reid, daughter Robert.
George, married, 1st, Sarah MacKinnon, daughter Capt. Ranald;
2d, --- ---, of Woods Harbour.
Thomas, married Sarah Cain, daughter Seth B. 1st.
COOK, WILLIAM, of Ohio, son Manasseh 2d, married Elizabeth Strickland,
daughter Jonathan 1st; died 1895, April 8, and had:
William W. (Capt.), married, 1st, Jane Crosby, daughter John K.;
2d, 1871, Jan 2, Alice Hilton, daughter Stephen 2d.
Elizabeth, living unmarried, 1900, aged 58.
George L., married Annie A. Cleveland, daughter Benjamin.
Joseph, married, 1870, Nov 24, Edna Churchill, daughter Capt. Eleazar.
Annis; died, unmarried.
Sophia; died, unmarried.
James R., married Minnie Lorrey, daughter William.
Marion, married, 1889 Dec 25, Jacob Porter, son Enoch.
COOK,CAPT. WILLIAM W., son William, married, 1st, Jane Crosby,
daughter John K.; 2d, 1871 Jan 2, Alice Hilton,
daughter Stephen 2d, and had:
Two children of 1st wife died in infancy.
Children of 2d wife:
Stephen, married, Georgina Vickery, daughter Abner 2d.
May, married, 1898 June 15, Maurice Graves, of Boston.
Alice, married Alexander MacMillan.
COOK, GEORGE L., son William, married Annie A. Cleveland,
daughter Benjamin, and had:
A daughter, not named, died in infancy.
1800, Maud (adopted), married, 1897 Nov, Judson A. Crocker;
died 1899 Aug 29.
COOK, JOSEPH, son William, married, 1870 Nov 24, Edna Churchill,
daughter Capt. Eleazar, and had:
COOK, JAMES R., son William, married Minnie Lorrey,
daughter William, and had:
COOK, FRANCIS B., son Manasseh 2d, married, 1st, Ellen Cook,
daughter Joseph, of North Range, Digby Co.;
2d, Elizabeth (Cain) Hemeon, widow Capt. Miner, and had:
Annie, died in 6th year.
Manasseh, married Abigail Robinson, daughter Reuben.
John H., married Mary E. Smith, daughter Elijah.
William H., accidentally shot on Crawley's Island, aged 16.
Thomas H., married Sarah Malay.
Francis; died aged 19.
George, fell in hold of stmr. Dominion and killed, age 21.
Elizabeth, married --- Graham, of Gloucester, Mass.
Clarence, on a ranch in California when last heard from in 1892.
Jane; died aged 22, unmarried.
Two other children died in infancy.
COOK, GEORGE, son Manasseh 2d, married Elizabeth Griswold,
of Cape Negro, and had:
Maria, married Obadiah C. Harding, son Gamaliel.
Benjamin K., married Sarah Gridley, daughter James A.
Howard S., married Fannie Swaine, daughter Llewellyn G.
George E., married Grace Gridley, daughter James A.
M. Pickles, married Sarah Elizabeth Churchill, daughter Edson.
J. Austin; died, unmarried.
Arthur S,. married Eliza Turnbull, St. John.
COOK, JOSEPH, son Capt. Manasseh 1st, married Mary Shurtliff,
daughter Henry; removed to North Range, Digby Co.,
and had:
Joseph, Married --- Brooks, daughter Peter, of Weymouth.
George, married, 1st, Sarah Ann Smith, of South Range;
2d, --- Smith, of South Range.
Francis, married --- Brooks, daughter Peter, of Weymouth.
Martha, married Peter Brooks, son Peter, of Weymouth.
Ellen, married Francis S. Cook, son Manasseh 2d.
Thomas, married Hannah Brooks, daughter Peter, of Weymouth.
Jane, married Christopher Specht, son Christopher, of Specht's Cove.
COOK, CAPT. FRANCIS, son Capt. Manasseh 1st, married Joanna Crosby,
daughter Ebenezer 2d; died 1882, and had:
Sarah, married, 1849 Sept 24, Capt. Thomas Allen, son Thomas;
died 1864 Aug 7.
Mary MacCulloch; died in infancy.
Wallace, unmarried, lost at sea from bark Robt Leonard.
Francis G. (Capt.), married, 1850 March 6, Olivia D. Hersey,
daughter Zadoc.
Martha J., married, 1853, Jan 29, Wilson A. Haley, son Comfort 2d;
died 1869 Nov 7.
William H. (Capt.), married Elizabeth H. Trefry, daughter Mark;
died 1899 May 14.
Joseph (Capt.), married, 1854 Feb 9, Elizabeth H. Crosby,
daughter Capt. Nathan.
COOK, CAPT. FRANCIS G., son Capt. Farncis, married, 1850 March 6,
Olivia D. Hersey. daughter Zadoc, and had:
Euphemia J., married Seth F. Robinson, of Boston.
Stephen A., married Louisa Hatfield, daughter Capt. Abram M.
COOK, CAPT. WILLIAM H., son Capt. Fanncis, married Elizabeth H. Trefry,
daughter Mark; died 1899 May 14, and had:
Ida May; died 1856 Oct 5, aged 8 months.
William A. (Capt.); died from ship Euphemia at Isle of Banks,
1895 Nov 16, aged 38 years.
COOK, CAPT. JOSEPH, son Capt. Francis, married, 1854 Feb 9,
Elizabeth H. Crosby, daughter Capt. Nathan, and had:
Minnie, married Capt. Clarence Trefry.
Capt. Thomas Allen 2d, son Capt. Thomas, married, 1849 Sept 24,
SARAH COOK, daughter Capt. Francis;
died at Beverly, 1898 Oct 24, and had:
Wilson A. Haley, son Comfort 2d, married, 1853 Jan 29, MARTHA COOK,
daughter Capt. Francis; died 1887 Feb 28, and had:
1856, Aug 5, Wallace Cook, married, 1888 Oct 24, Mary H. Killam, daughter
1860, April 17, Laliah G., married, 1886 March 10, Edgar F. Robbins,
son Charles.
1867, Oct 14, Annie Wilson; died 1868 Aug 27.
COOK, CAPT. AMOS, son Capt. Manasseh 1st, married Sarah Porter,
daughter James 1st, of Burnside.
Have no record of this family. They removed from Deerfield to Illinois
about 1866, and Capt. Cook died there in 1897.
COOK, CAPT. ENOS, son Capt. Manasseh 1st, married, 1st, 1838 Oct 4,
Mary Patten, daughter Richard 2d; 2d, 1855, Oct 13,
Mahulda (Cook) Poole, widow Capt. Samuel S.;
lost in Melrose, 1861 Oct 28, and had:
1840, Richard Patten; died 1848 Nov 29.
1841, Mary A., married, 1862 Jan 19, Henry E. Bailey, and
had Florence and William.
1849, Richard Augustus Patten; died 1852 March 18.
1857, William; died 1860.
1859, June, Lillian; died 1859 Sept 14.
William Delaney, married ELIZABETH COOK, daughter Capt. Manasseh 1st,
and had:
Eliza, married, 1839 Feb 11, Daniel Gorman.
Ellen, married, 1st, Joseph F. Muncey; 2d, Prince W. Nickerson.
Elizabeth, married Frank Gordon.
William, married Ellen Peterson.
John, married, 1st, Caroline Trask, daughter Paul;
2d, Ellen Jane Pennell, daughter Capt. Edward.
Henry, married Elizabeth Power.
Hannah, married, 1857 June 20, William Raymond.
Cordelia, married Wm. Hilton, son Sam'l 2d.
Abram M. Hatfield 2d, son Abram Marsh, married MARY COOK,
daughter Capt. Manasseh 1st, and had:
Jones, married Abigail Allen, daughter Capt. Thomas 1st.
Mary, married Isaac Ryder, son John.
Deborah, married, 1st, Capt. Samuel Wilson, son Robert, of Barrington;
2d, Capt. Jacob K. Hatfield, son Jacob 3d, Esq.
Zilpha Cook, married Elias Trask 5th, son Elias 3d.
John Forman; died in infancy.
John Forman; died aged 21, unmarried.
Harriet Newell, married Henry Stone, of Manxhester, Mass.
Janet Olivia, married Stillman Morgan, son Rev. ---, of New Hampshire.
Enos; drowned at Shanghai while master of bark Swallow of Boston, aged 27.
Lucetta O., married Alfred Barlett Cole, of Plymouth, Mass.
Adelaide M., married, 1st, William M. Forster, of Beverly, Mass.;
2d, William S. Middleton, of New Yark.
William Pitman 2d, son Benjamin 1st, married THOMASINE COOK,
daughter Capt. Manasseh 1st, and had:
Olive, married, 1857 May 29, John Golding.
Hannah, married Capt. Thomas Allen 2d, son Capt. Thomas.
Abigail, married Benjamin Thompson, of Beverly, Mass.
W. Herbert; died young.
Asaph Saunders, son Henry 1st, married OLIVE COOK,
daughter Capt. Manasseh 1st, and had:
1830, May 13, Caroline, married, 1853, Hiram Corpron, son Abraham;
died at Chicago, 1856.
1832, Jan 16, Agnes, married J.B. Shipley, of Ventura Co., California.
1833, Aug 26, Nathaniel Hill, married, 1856, Catharine Ewart.
He was a lieutenant in the US army, and was
killed in the Civil War, 1863 Jan 5.
1835, March 6, Enos Cook, (s.p) married, 1857, Mary Ewart.
1837, Jany 9, Adoniram Judson, married Elizabeth Read.
1838, Aug 1, Anne Hazeltine.
1840, Jan 17, Abigail V., married D.W.C. Prentice; died 1869.
1842, Nov 1, Joseph Henry, married Viola Stacey.
1844, Dec 28, Harriet Newell, married Prof. Judson Jones;
died 1872 July 13.
1846, Sept 22, William Atwood.
1849, Dec 22, Laura; died 1870.
1852, Oct 16, Haliburton H.
COOK, CAPT. CALEB 2d., son Capt. Caleb, married, 1822 April 11,
Abigail Crosby, daughter Deacon John;
died 1881 Jan 31, and had:
Abigail, married, 1849 April 26, Wm. S. Robbins, son Deacon Joseph.
Hannah, married, 1848 Nov 2, Charles Steele.
Samuel, lost in schr Eagle, 1851 April 15.
James, lost in schr Eagle, 1851 April 15.
John, died at St. Domingo, 1851 July.
Annis J., married Thomas Gufillan Hibbard, son Rufus 2d; died 1898 Nov 27.
COOK, CAPT. DAVID, son Capt. Caleb 1st, married Elizabeth Anne Wyman,
daughter John 1st; lost at sea, 1871 Sept, and had:
Louisa; died 1848 June 12, aged 12 years.
David, married Mary Harris, daughter John.
Thomas H.; died 1858 Jan 4, aged 14 years.
Elizabeth; died 1848 Aug 15, aged 4 years.
Caleb, married in Belgium.
Louisa, married Antoine DeCamp.
COOK, DAVID, son Capt. David, married Mary Harris, daughter John, and had:
Gertrude O.
Eva M.
Stanley H.
Morley W.
COOK, WALTER, son Capt. Caleb 1st, married, 1853 Sept 28, Elizabeth Perry,
daughter Leonard; died 1897 March 25, and had:
Emma, married John Allen, son Capt. George, Kelly's Cove.
Rebecca, married Stephen Davison, in United States.
Caleb, married, 1st, Florence Ellis, daughter Daniel;
2d, Eliza Wetmore, daughter Stephen.
Hallet, married Bertha Wyman, daughter Eleazar.
Henrietta, married David Coleman, in USA.
Gracie, married Havelock Ricker, son Andrew Ricker, of Argyle.
COOK, CALEB, son Walter, married, 1st, Florence Ellis, daughter Daniel;
2d, Eliza Wetmore, daughter Stephen,
and had:
Children of 1st wife:
Children of 2d wife:
COOK, HALLET, son Walter, married Bertha Wyman, daughter Eleazar, and had:
Lois Wyman.
Dennis Crocker, son Daniel 2d, married MARY COOK,
daughter Capt. Caleb 1st; died 1837 Dec 18, and had:
Mary Elizabeth, married Capt. Robert Sims, son Robert 2d.
Louisa Cook; died 1848 April 3, aged 19, unmarried.
Deborah Susan; died 1851 Dec 16, aged 26, unmarried.
Nehemiah D. (Capt.), married Sophis Sims, daughter Robert 2d.
Capt. Leonard Weston, son Abram, married, 1823 Dec 4, HANNAH COOK,
daughter Capt. Caleb 1st, and had:
1824, Sep 17, Walter Cook (Rev.), married. 1864 July 12, Louisa D. Wilson,
daughter Nehemiah, of Barrington.
1826, June 1, Markswell Leonard; died at Quebecm 1847 Sept 9, unmarried.
1828, Feb 12, Isaac; died at St. Doningo, 1851 Feb.
1832, June 27, Martha Hannah, married, 1853 May 12, Capt. Amos Scott, son
Capt. Amos H.
1838, Dec 9, Dennis Crocker, married Elizabeth S. Marshall, daughter
Asaph, of Annapolis County.
1843, Nov 2, Lydia Crawley.
Weston, William Watts, son Abram, married DEBORAH COOK,
daughter Capt. Caleb 1st, and had:
1824, Ermina, married, 1850 Nov 12, Capt Benj Hilton, son Capt. John 1st;
died 1888 March 27.
1827, Nehemiah Cook; died in 1832.
John Crawley 2d, son John, married LOUISA COOK,
daughter Capt. Caleb 1st; died 1881 June 15, and had:
John 3d, married, 1856 March 27, Emily Whitman, daughter Rev. Jacob.
Louisa J., married, 1860, Capt. Ambrose D. Kelley, son Ambrose.
Joseph, married, 1865 July 6, Ruth Ellenwood, daughter Capt. Benjamin.
COOK, JOHN 2d, son Capt. John, married, 1832, March 19, Ruth Magray,
daughter Frederick, and had:
1833, Jan 3, John 3d; died 1833 Jan 20.
1834, May 6, Wealthy, married, 1862 Feb 3, John S. Allen, son John.
1837, May 23, Albert, married, 1862 June 26, Sabra MacLeod,
daughter Aaron, of Woodstock.
1839, Dec 24, Louisa B., married, 1860 Dec 20, Israel Hersey,
son Zadoc; died Sept 22 1900.
1842, Aug 30, William H., married, 1st, Deborah J. Allen, daughter Lyman;
2d, 1867 Dec 29, Rebecca Larkin,
daughter Amos;
3d, Amelia Johnson,
daughter Capt. Freeman.
1844, Dec 14, Ruth Jane, married, 1863 July 9, William A. Allen,
son Timothy.
1847, April 9, Margaret M., married, 1872 Feb 13, Wellington C. Larkin,
son Amos.
1849, June 17, John S., married, 1st, Laliah Wyman, daughter Eleazar;
2d, Melissa Newell, dauhgter Robert,
of Pubnico.
1852, June 18, Annie H., married George A. Hemeon, son Capt. Crocker.
1854, Dec 19, Augusta E., married Capt. Benjamin Robinson, son Reuben.
COOK, ALBERT, son John 2d, married, 1862 June 26, Sabra MacLeod,
daughter Aaron, and had:
1863, July 1, Franklin Canute, married Lizzie M. Wilson,
daughter Capt. Michael, of Barrington.
1865, Jan 25, Anna Jane.
1867, Aug 14, John Aaron, married Annie Brannen,
daughter Melvin, of Barrington.
1869 Aug 4, Ida Lillian; died 1870 Sept 29.
1871, June 1, Albert Barnes, married Margaret L. Goudey,
daughter Edwin, of Barrington.
1877, Dec 25, Charles Bliss.
1880, March 10, Sabra Clanche, married, 1899 Nov 9, Capt. Adelbert L.
MacKinnon, son Capt. John.
COOK, FRANKLIN C., son Albert, married, 1889 Sept 11, Lizzie M. Wilson,
daughter Capt. Michael, of Barrington, and had:
1890, July 8, a son, died.
1891, Sept 18, Helen May.
1893, Nov 6, Alberta Lillian; died 1894 Aug 22.
1895, Jan 26, Myrtle Winifred; died 1895 June 30.
1896, Aug 19, Hazel W.; died 1898 July 23.
1897, Oct 5, Alice Louisa; died 1898 Mar 12.
1900, July 8, Victor F.S. Roberts.
COOK, JOHN A., son Albert, married Annie Brannen,
daughter Melvin, of Barrington, and had:
1890, Feb 25, Sabra.
James Melvin; died in infancy.
Nettie Ray.
Ruth G.
1897, Feb 25, Sidney.
1900, Feb 25, Albert; died in infancy.
COOK, ALBERT B., son Albert, married Margaret L. Goudey,
daughter Edwin, of Barrington, and had:
Lillian Hilton.
Velma S.
COOK, WALLACE H., son John 2d, married,
1st, (s.p) Deborah J. Allen, daughter Lyman;
2d, 1867 Dec 29, Rebecca Larkin, daughter Amos;
3d, (s.p) Amelia Johnson, daughter Capt. Freeman.
Children of 2d wife:
Wallace, married Susan Allen, daughter Cleveland, of James.
Caleb, married Adele Mary Holmes, daughter John.
COOK, JOHN S., son John 2d, married,
1st, Laliah Wyman, daughter Eleazar;
2d, Melissa Newell, daughter Robert, of Pubnico, and had:
Children of 1st wife:
Victoria, died in infancy.
A son; died in infancy.
Children of 2d wife:
COOK, CAPT. SAMUEL T., son Capt. John 1st, married, 1839 Nov 24,
Elizabeth Robbins, daughter Deacon Joseph;
lost at sea 1846, Jan, and had:
Martha, married Robert L. Brown, son Robert 2d.
Abel C.R., went abroad.
COOK, NELSON, son Capt. John 1st, married, 1843 Feb 7, Jane Ring,
daughter Marcus 2d, and had:
Clementina (only child), married --- Snow, of Port LaTour.
COOK, EPHRAIM 4th, son Capt. John 1st, married, 1862 Aug 21,
Maria E. Allen, daughter Lyman, and had:
William; lost at sea, unmarried.
Nehemiah K., went abroad.
Ella May, married Gordon Ball.
Margaret, went to Massachusetts.
Capt. Eleazar Crocker, son Daniel 2d, maarried, 1832 Jan 11,
WEALTHY COOK, daughter Capt. John 1st;
died 1888 Dec 8, and had:
Wealthy J. (only child), married, 1854 Dec 21, Ebenezer Sims,
son Robert 2d.
Capt. Amos H. Scott, son John 1st, married LOUISA COOK,
daughter Capt. John 1st;
died 1880 March 3, and had:
Amos H. 2d (Capt.), married, 1853 May 12, Martha H. Weston,
daughter Capt. Leonard.
Henry A. (Capt.), married, 1858 May 23, Anne Hemeon,
daughter Capt. Crocker; died 1875 May 10.
Samuel A.; died 1857 Sept 29, aged 22, unmarried.
Louisa, married, 1st, 1852 Feb 5, John Trask, son Robert;
2d, 1860 June 25, Robert Trask, son Robert.
James E.; lost in brig Sophia, 1855 April 22, aged 19.
George R., married, 1865 Aug 26, Phoebe Jane Durkee, daughter Stephen 2d.
Joseph, married, 1867 March 17, Priscilla Crosby, daughter Isaiah 1st;
died 1892.
Lydia, married, 1864 April 22, Richard W. Woodworth, of Cornwallis.
Benjamin; died 1876 Jan 3, aged 30, unmarried.
Mary G., married, 1872 Dec 24, Rev. Joseph H. Robbins, son Chandler.
Deacon Asa Robbins, son Deacon Joseph, married, 1834 Oct 7,
AMANDA JANE COOK, daughter Capt. John 1st;
died 1896 June 12, and had:
1835, Aug 5, Mahalah, married, 1854 May 21, Capt. Robert R. Blauvelt,
son David.
1836, Nov 13, Raymond (Capt.); lost at sea in bark Geo Bradford,
1862 Feb, unmarried.
1837, Dec 3, Adelaide, married, 1855 Nov 25, William Haley,
son Comfort 3d.
1839, April 22, Byron (Capt.), married, 1863 Oct 19,
Margaret A. Chittick, St. John;
died 1887 March 3.
1840, July 25, Amanda Jane, married, 1862 Jan 9, Alvin Haley,
son Comfort 3d.
1841, Dec 7, Leonora; died 1842 Aug 8.
1843, Feb 5, Wellington C.; lost at sea, unmarried, 1862 Feb,
in bark Geo. Bradford, of which he was mate.
1844, June 12, Leonora, married, 1871 July 5, Chas. H. Heneon,
son Capt. Charles.
1845, Aug 3, Evelyn C. (Capt.)
1848, July 13, Jacob A. (Capt.), married, 1873 Aug 8, Abigail E. Hilton,
daughter Capt. Stilson R.
1849, Oct 25, Asa S.; lost at sea in bark Geo. W. Jones, 1866 Jan,
1851, May 16, Frances Victoria, married, 1872 Feb 4, Norman Jeffery.
1852, Sept 21, Robert; lost at sea in brig Clarence, 1877, unmarried.
1856, Feb 2, Hannah, married, 1877 April 25, Stayley Hatfield,
son Isaac S.
1857, July 30, Joseph, married, 1885 Sept 9, Harriet Poole.
Henry Porter, son John T., married SARAH ARNOT COOK,
daughter Capt. John 1st, and had:
Evalina; died 1842 Dec 31, aged 2 years.
John; lost in schr Jane, Capt. Montgomery, 1859 March.
Jacob Israel, married, 1867 Aug 26, Lydia Magray, daughter Josepj R.
1852, Jan 18, William Henry, married, 1st, Sarah Jane Durkee,
daughter ----; 2d, Jane -------.
Annie E., married ------
Evalina, married -------
Erastus, married ------
Admana, married ----
Bowland, married Luther ------
Capt. Wellington C. Larkin, son Amos C., married, 1st, 1860 Dec 26, MARY
MELLORY COOK, daughter Capt. John 1st;
2d, 1872 Feb 13, MARGARET M. COOK,
daughter John 2d.
Children of 1st wife:
Minnie, married in New Hampshire.
Margaret, married Howard Bain, son Israel L., of Pembroke.
A son, died, aged 1 year.
Children of 2d wife:
Baxter; died, aged 22, unmarried.
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