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Manser/Manzer family tree area. Here you will find descendant charts & reference material.

4 Generation Descendants of Barnett Manzer (Updated Nov 2017)

4 Generations of Christopher & Rachel Manzer (Updated Nov 2017)

4 Generations of John T. & Martha Manzer (Updated Nov 2017)

Descendants of James Henry & Mary Eliza (Ryan) Manzer

Descendants of Robert Bull (updated Aug. 2017)

Mayflower connection
(The Manser connection to the Francis Cook of the Mayflower)

Manzer History (1)
Manzer History (2)

Manzer Loyalist Lineages
E-Mail me.

James Manzer 1st

4 Generations of James Manzer 1st (Updated Nov 2017)

Manzer Coat of Arms A
Manzer Coat of Arms b

Our Lynx (Links)
(Added 27-Sep-2023) Isaac Manzer
(Added 27-Sep-2023) Frank Ellis Manzer
(Added 27-Sep-2023) Myles B. Manzer

Below is my line in the Manzer Family Tree

Harris Watson Manzer/Manser
Harris's parents: James Henry Manzer
James's parents: Robert Manzer
Robert's parents: James Lester Manzer
James's parents: Barnett Manzer
Barnett's parents: James Manzer

Manzer Cemetery
Cemetery notes:
The cemetery is a private family cemetery started by Rev. Lawrence Manzer in the 1830s because the community of South Gibson had no place to bury the early settlers as they died off (Susquehanna County was settled in the 1790s by veterans of the Revolutionary War). He donated the land and then managed the cemetery until his death and the responsibility then fell to his son who took over the family farm where the cemetery is located. Manzer descendants still live on that farm and keep the cemetery in good order.
(Note by Wayne Manser: Although many of the Manzer's buried here are related to me, I haven't connected all of them.)

Family of Charles Conway Manzer
Family of George William Manzer
Family of Henry Barr Manzer
Family of James Coates Manzer

Below is the Robert & Eleanor (Lewis) Manzer Family Info.

Family of Robert & Eleanor (Lewis) Manzer (Updated 2023-08-12)
Family Ellen Manzer-James Robert Barr (Updated 2023-08-12)
Family Charles Edward Manzer-Mary Barr (Updated 2023-08-12)
Family Lacretia Manzer (Updated 2023-08-12)
Family James Henry Manzer-Mary Elizabeth Ryan (Updated 2023-08-12)
Family Mary Eliza Manzer-Norman MacDonald (Updated 2023-08-12)
Family Alice Manzer-Esau Spavold (Updated 2023-08-12)
Family George W. Manzer-Mary Belle Spavold (Updated 2023-08-12)

By Wayne G. Manser
Part 1 (The Beginning)

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